021 4873241
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About Us

Clogheen Kerry Pike National School

Clogheen Kerry Pike NS is a modern and well-equipped school but also one with a long and distinguished past. Our records go back to 1884 so if you choose to send your child here they will be join long of tradition. In Clogheen Kerry Pike we aim to create a pleasant and well—ordered environment in which children feel secure, in which their self-esteem is fostered and in which they can develop their full potential. 

Confidence in the school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. Good communication between home and school is essential so that we can all work for the benefit of your child. We look forward to working with you and your child in the years ahead. As parents, you will have the opportunity to become involved in school life which will be of benefit to your child.


We are a small school located in an idyllic rural environment with plenty of play space. The school has a friendly and supportive atmosphere.


We strive to create a safe, happy and positive learning environment which helps children to reach their full potential.We have a close knit community and the school has a fantastic family spirit. Our small classes ensure specialised attention for each pupil. 


 We have a dynamic, talented and hard working staff who are committed to providing the highest standard of teaching


We Partake in many activities and events over the course of the year check out what we do.

Our 6th class  entered for the 2nd year running – headed by their teacher -Kate O’Callaghan the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP ), we have won one of the overall awards along with additional merits in Top teams, genius product, finance wizards. We also won overall award for “Creative Pioneers” for their  “Bumble bee lip balm “ an eco friendly lip balm.

In 2020 we won overall award for “Change Agents “ for their classroom business “Lets Talk About It” book. 


Green School

The aim of the Green-Schools initiative is to promote long-term whole school action for the environment. It is a student-led programme with involvement from staff and the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Unit of An Taisce (FEE member of Ireland).